Wednesday 26 April 2017

The Sheep Arrive. Hurrah.

Yesterday was an absolutely superb spring day. It was to be celebrated for two reasons;

1. The flock arrived
2. It was to be the last before a rather dodgy week. Rain and snow predicted.

All went smoothly;

First we have luxury three story transport

Then we load up. This is the second of two groups.

 This photo is for me. I love the pricked ears of the German Shepherd Dog behind a group of sheep.

Along the race and up

Sheep elevators!

Next we arrive in the sunny Schwabische Alb

And those already there come up with a vocal welcome

Easy. What fun to leave the barn

And even those tricky goats are allowed to come


  1. Alexa it looks wonderful over there and it's great to see the lovely Bear working so well at his studies. His handler looks like she is enjoying it too. Keep up the good work we love the blog.

  2. fab blog again Alexa thank you

  3. Love the transport! Do the shepherds rent it?
