I am now celebrating my first month here and I am in a state of disbelief. Have I really been here this long and has so much been happening?
Over the last week and a half I have had visitors (Martin and Wendy). It has been a good time for me to have visitors as most of my afternoons are free. I can even do a few touristy things.
I have to tell you that Kermit has been ill. He is not young and his bones are a little brittle. When Martin arrived I had a bright red VW van. Naturally he was disappointed. However, Kermit rallied like the trouper he is and Martin was able to have a "fan" drive.
A benefit (??) of having Martin and Wendy here was that they both like the German food and wanted to try all the local specialties so it gave me a respite from the steamed vegies I have been having. It might get me into trouble though. I have found that I do like their dunkle beer and their breads and cakes.
Bear is missing Martin after a few days' rest. He is looking for the long runs through the countryside. He will get no runs from me!! Just strolls!! But he will soon be back at work. I go up on Thursday (13th) to Hausen an der Lauchert, just out of Magerkingen. And Georg and the sheep will turn up a week or so later.
Marbach Horse Stud
Georg and Margot gave me an absolute treat by taking me to Germany's oldest State horse stud.
The Stud has several properties. We saw mares and foals and the Stallions. There were also several working arenas but the young horses were at another location.
The arena for the annual Stallions Assessment was there but I was very disappointed to hear that it is held in the first week of October. I have commitments in America then.
But it made me determined to find somewhere to ride as soon as I move and settle in.

Naturally the Stud is very proud that they had a horse in Germany's Eventing team at London and Rio.
Here are a couple of links for the horse lovers Wikipedia and Magazine Article
Marbach looks wonderful.good old kermit.Congrats on your first month milestone.john