Thursday, 27 April 2017

We have a superb day and then......

Bear and I had our first day out in the field in the Alb. And it was a superb first day. Bear was a happy worker. He handled himself very well. And even showed that he is beginning to make a border on his own. His attitude was excellent and, although out in the field did not have the same concentrated pressure of the earlier training, the sheep quite calmly but consistently created their own pockets of pressure. And the lambs. Well the lambs!!! We leave them to Yukon and Zora.

I handled Bear while the sheep were grazing but Georg handled him while the sheep were being moved. And while he was not working Bear chilled off in his own private trailer. A doggie movie star!!! But he had water, not champagne and oops on ice!!!

The day was overcast but pleasant. But rain and snow were forecast to come overnight.

I am driving (with Bear in his trailer) Georg's van. He is moving his sheep to a good spot to spend the night in the rain and snow.

Georg has four of his dogs with him. Dana, X, Yukon and Zora (plates) (see MeisterSchafer page for list of dogs). If you look closely you can see all in the group in front of him. Yukon is the black long hair.

And snow it did........heavier than the last fall and predicted to be longer lasting. I am housebound AND short of supplies. I have plenty of liquor but not many proteins or enough chocolate. Where does that leave me????

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

The Sheep Arrive. Hurrah.

Yesterday was an absolutely superb spring day. It was to be celebrated for two reasons;

1. The flock arrived
2. It was to be the last before a rather dodgy week. Rain and snow predicted.

All went smoothly;

First we have luxury three story transport

Then we load up. This is the second of two groups.

 This photo is for me. I love the pricked ears of the German Shepherd Dog behind a group of sheep.

Along the race and up

Sheep elevators!

Next we arrive in the sunny Schwabische Alb

And those already there come up with a vocal welcome

Easy. What fun to leave the barn

And even those tricky goats are allowed to come

Sunday, 23 April 2017

In the Meantime

During this week I have visited a women's baking co operative in Braunenweiler. They bake bread once a week. You either bring in the flour, salt, yeast etc and they make the dough or some bring in the made up dough to just take advantage of the ovens. Its a lovely set up. Once a year they have a big feast and hundreds of local people come. It is in September and I hope I can attend.
It is school holidays so a couple of the children came along too. The bakery had a lovely feeling.

This last week has really been a week of transition. 

I have been finding my way round this part of the Albs and Bear has been learning to work. The dog is a Deutsche Shepherd dog and must act like one ie not like a city slicker having a good time at his handler's expense. Of course whenever I mention Bear I am included because we are a partnership(!) and his faults tend to be mine too!!!
We have had two more training sessions outside the barn and they have been absolutely thrilling. The earlier times Bear was on sheep was more of an introduction. Georg observed Bear. The last three sessions have been very focused and set up to teach Bear specific skills/behaviours. 
Firstly to handle chaos and movement and secondly to find or create a border on the slimmest difference of grasses.
It has not been easy for Bear. He has been put under pressure but I am thrilled that each time we go out he has made significant progress. He does learn quickly eg he travels now over grass between two well marked borders but he still does not hold a straight line. He starts off straight but then wants to move closer into the sheep, a technical thing for those not involved in the tending world.
When left to his own devices Bear can and does work a well marked Graze well, BUT he finds it hard to follow some of the instructions. This is, I think, a combination of work ethic, confidence, knowledge, experience and handler.
But I have no doubt that the next six months will bring all that into line.
It is going to be a great journey.

These photos do not show me running up and down this bloody steep hill encouraging my dog to go ahead of me or yelling at him to get a move on!! (while I am being told I am too slow) The things we do!!!

But this video does......enjoy.

This is towards the end of a couple of hours. So Bear is showing fatigue. But he stuck at it.

And for all those waiting for more from Richie. I am sorry but the weather is not good. Totally unreliable. But do not worry. He is coming. He insists I give him his own page to make up for the current neglect. When we have enough material he will be my next Guest Contributor.

Oh and Kermit is going like a rocket. We now pass and are less often passed.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

"I have Moved" in 3 Acts

Act One


As you can see it was not as simple as when I arrived in Munich where I was picked up in a smart van. Fortunately Margot helped me with her 4WD.

Although I did at first feel a little reluctance to move from Lampertsweiler, the actual move was fun and quite exciting.

I was here in Hausen an der Lauchert last September and I had already seen the apartment and the village. So it was nice to arrive here and recognise my new home and 
  • The day was sunny. 
  • I now have a very large two bedroom apartment that is one floor of a family house. 
  • I am in the mountains and love them
  • Georg will bring the sheep up within a week.

*****no photos as I thought I would take the drone out and do a mighty job

Act Two

Settling in:

The weather loses its lustre and becomes wet and misty and there is talk of snow. But that is Ok. The long walks, even in the rain, are great and I travel back to Brauenweiler a couple of times over Easter.
And we start some training in the Barn. 
First we work outside around the pen sending Bear around on command. There are no sheep so he can focus on the command. Theoretically you should be able to send the dog in a direction and he follows it until directed otherwise. Unlike the British method we do not have a word for the actual direction. We actually signal the direction and the dog follows it in a straight line. 
Then we go into(!) the Barn and Bear has to stay up close and personal with sheep running past him and lambs acting crazy. 
This is a big ask for Bear. He has to stand next to me and ignore the chaos around him.
It took a while for him to settle into the task but we finished off in a tight pen with lambs. Not too bad for him.


****no photos as we were all working. Next time I thought.

Act Three

Nature steps in:    
It Snows!
I look out of my apartment window

I am even stranded for a few days as poor Kermit does not have the correct footwear.

But Bear is having a fat time. He loves the cold weather.

And Richie? Well he went out with great enthusiasm on the first morning but was grounded by air traffic control. Weather conditions worsened as he waited for take off!

Thursday, 13 April 2017

Farewell to the Barn

Today I am off to the Schwabische Alb.  Yippee!!  The High Country.

And back to work for Bear. Have the couple of weeks he has had off turned him into a Deutsche Lounge Lizard or will he be right into the sheep action?? Either way I will be out there with Georg, dogs and sheep.  

Exciting stuff. Just what I came for.

But I am truly sorry to leave the Barn. I have loved it. So here is a rather self indulgent sentimental send off, for the true GSD/sheep herding fanatics;

Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Leaving is Hard to Do

I am now leaving Lampertsweiler and all the other Weilers, Bergs and Dorfs. And it would seem that I am moving to the land of the ingen.
Having visitors has got me out and about, normal things have made me seek out facilities in the town (eg hairdressers and the best Backerei) and I am now settled and very fond of my new little part of the world. I am now quite happy to speak German, although it mainly consists of apologies for not being able to speak it!! And my German has a strong visual element!!

So here is a fond Farewell, just a few random pictures that speak to my growing nostalgia.
Bad Saulgau is rightly proud of its 4 Stork nesting pairs

I still love seeing all the Feldscheune as I drive around.

Local scenery that is part of my daily life

The daily activity of a big dairy farm

The local TV did a little piece on the farm stay where I am. If you look you can see Kermit! I was there but did not realise it at the time:      Drehers Erlebnishof

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Its April!! Already?

I am now celebrating my first month here and I am in a state of disbelief. Have I really been here this long and has so much been happening?

Over the last week and a half I have had visitors (Martin and Wendy). It has been a good time for me to have visitors as most of my afternoons are free. I can even do a few touristy things. 

I have to tell you that Kermit has been ill. He is not young and his bones are a little brittle. When Martin arrived I had a bright red VW van. Naturally he was disappointed. However, Kermit rallied like the trouper he is and Martin was able to have a "fan" drive.

A benefit (??) of having Martin and Wendy here was that they both like the German food and wanted to try all the local specialties so it gave me a respite from the steamed vegies I have been having. It might get me into trouble though. I have found that I do like their dunkle beer and their breads and cakes.

Bear is missing Martin after a few days' rest. He is looking for the long runs through the countryside. He will get no runs from me!! Just strolls!! But he will soon be back at work. I go up on Thursday (13th) to Hausen an der Lauchert, just out of Magerkingen.  And Georg and the sheep will turn up a week or so later.

Marbach Horse Stud
Georg and Margot gave me an absolute treat by taking me to Germany's oldest State horse stud.
The Stud has several properties. We saw mares and foals and the Stallions. There were also several working arenas but the young horses were at another location. 
The arena for the annual Stallions Assessment was there but I was very disappointed to hear that it is held in the first week of October. I have commitments in America then.
But it made me determined to find somewhere to ride as soon as I move and settle in.

Many different breeds are at the Stud. Here is an Arabian grey. The stud has an old bloodline courtesy of the Duke of Wurttemberg.

Naturally the Stud is very proud that they had a horse in Germany's Eventing team at London and Rio. 

Here are a couple of links for the horse lovers  Wikipedia  and Magazine Article

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Guest Contributor 2

Let me introduce you to my most recent visitor.

This is my friend of many years, Wendy. And she came from Wales to have a long weekend with me.

Eating and Drinking:

With Richie:

And even with the Sheep:

Thursday, 6 April 2017


This last week my nephew has been here visiting and teaching me how to use a photographic drone.

We made these two videos. No sheep. Just Bear and Kermit!

And to end the blog here is a video that was meant to be a photo!! And as you can see I did have my glasses on. The complexities of the modern flight deck..........

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Introducing De Crespigny

Those of you who know me well know that I am fascinated (obsessed) by stories of aircraft failures and crashes. A very foolish interest for a person who travels by air so often. 
But I love the drama and the complexity of the investigations and I admire the determination of the aviation community to find, and learn from, the causes of all aircraft faults and errors.

And without a doubt I am fascinated by air travel. Leaving the ground. Leaving the planet. (If I were younger I probably would sign up for Mars)

So, when my nephew Martin and I somehow came to the conclusion that I needed a Drone (photographic only) and that it would need flying skills I naturally referred back to a hero of mine, Qantas QF32 pilot Richard De Crespigny. 

I now introduce you to the newest member of the Bear and Alexa in Germany Blog team  

Herr De Crespigny: (aka Richie!)

This little beauty is now going to give me tons of fun and no doubt it is going to get me into lots of trouble!!!

As you will have seen from the previous blog, Martin has been out here training me. I admit there have been a few rocky moments but here are some of the results.

Drehers Erlebnishof. My Balcony is on the left behind the duck pond.

Learning the Ropes

Bear and Alexa

Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Guest Contributor

I would like to thank all the generous words that have been in the Comments, as well as some interesting information given.

But I think that a change is as good as a holiday so I am going to offer all my visitors the opportunity to contribute to the blog. A sort of Comments in a Guest Book. There will be no given criteria, no "suggestions" and no minor censorship. BUT my Contributor will have to remember that although he has changed his citizenship Rupert Murdoch is still my nationality by birth and I have the ultimate power of COMPLETE deletion!! I have the password to the Delete button. 

So, my first visitor and Correspondent is my nephew Martin who has come over to set up the blog's new gizmo.......the Drone.

As part of the new generation of multi media creators Martin has chosen to present his blog the "modern" way-via the 21st century pen and paper.....YouTube